Proof That Retail Packaging Increases Consumer Purchases

Attractive retail packaging can increase sales and here's the study that proves it. 

It's well known that retail packaging helps to stand apart from your competitors. It also communicates your brand, mission, and value --all of which help to convince your prospect to purchase your product.

But this 2013 study tells us a different and exciting story about the mindset of an impulsive purchase.

An impulse purchase is when the consumer wasn't actively looking to buy. They weren't considering it nor were they looking to buy something related --it just happens. They see the product and it triggers a desire in them so strong that they are convinced that they should buy it.

How does an impulse purchase happen?

According to this study, it's the attractiveness of the packaging that influences an impulsive purchase!

Why impulse buying matters to your bottom line.

Impulse purchases immediately increase your sales revenue, that's the obvious benefit. But here's another benefit that is not so obvious. The impulsive purchase can get you repeat business!

The impulse purchase is a way to convince them to buy it again and again. And to tell others to buy it too!

All you need is that initial purchase (like an impulse buy) and you can build it into a customer for life!

How attractive packaging increases the desire to impulse buy. 

The study was conducted on a small group of participants and measured their brain activity when they saw the attractive packaging. They found that there was a noticeable increase in the area associated with impulse buying and reward when presented with attractive packaging. 

This implies that attractive packaging stimulates the area of the brain responsible for impulse purchases. Attractive packaging also makes them think that the product is a reward!

The activity was even stronger among those with higher impulse buying tendencies. 

The study also revealed that the stronger the desire was for the attractive packaging, the less appealing the unattractive packaging became.

Not only did unattractive packaging look less appealing, but participants stated that they began to associate it with negative feelings. 

That's HUGE! Packaging has the power to evoke an emotional response and emotional memory. 

What do you want your packaging memory to be? Positive or negative?

Which do you think gets more sales?

Ready to tap into the mind of an impulse buyer and increase your sales? Improve your packaging! Call us for a quote on custom retail packaging today! (714) 633-3310